Explorations in Policing, Faith and Life (With a hint of humor, product reviews, news and whatever catches my attention)
Showing posts with label silliness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silliness. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2013

Thrift Shop by macklenmore and ryan lewis

I don't know why but I love this song.

Thought it was cool since there was no official clean radio edit video these guys (Director: Ethan Burch Directors of Photography: TJ Clounie, Matt Shouse)...did their own enjoy.

Maybe there is a little to much of me in this to not like it...


Monday, January 28, 2013

Mustaches and Morale

Not a good look
 One of our officers is retiring after 25+ years on the job.  He has spent almost his entire career with a "Freddy Mercury" style thick mustache in place above his lip and under his nose.  As a tribute to him all of us at the PD has dedicated the month of January to him and in varying degrees of success (after weeks I have the beginnings of a mustache...the pejorative "porn star" keeps getting bandied about) we have all grown out our stashes.  It is not a good overall look, but it shows we care.

This is just a simple behind the scenes glimpse.

Psalm 126:2

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Its the weekend-A little Humor

One of the often overlooked facets of the "Police Life" is the humor that permeates everything we do...it allows us to blow off steam, replace tragic with the ironic, drop over inflated egos back down to earth and basically keep us sane.

I can be something as simple as leaving your computer unattended and upon returning realizing that you e-mailed the Chief a love letter from you to him...quickly followed up by an email you author explaining that your co-workers are idiots to same said Chief.  It can also be a co-worker deciding to take digital camera photos of "Johnsons" in the act of relief while in the field, causing everyone from that point forward to perform that function with one hand to grip and the other to cover and scanning side to side to keep from becoming a camera victim (a lot of wet shoes that week).  At another time, a co-worker left his credential wallet out and someone grabbed it and glued the face of George Washington onto his photo ID so that whenever he flashed his ID he did not get respect for his a-thor-ity but rather giggles until he discovered the prank.  To telling the story of the rookie that while in court identified himself as, "I with the D&D, no the DNA no I with the DEA, yes that's it, the DEA" and while we were all on the floor laughing having him complain that we were embarrassing him in front of the civilians (that he did all by himself).  To authoring a operational plan, in another co-workers name of course, that required sign off by the Chief of the Police Departments operational response in case of wide spread polar bear attack.

All that said to introduce the following video that I must have seen at every training session, meeting, etc where officers are gathered.  Enjoy. *Language is a little rough...