Explorations in Policing, Faith and Life (With a hint of humor, product reviews, news and whatever catches my attention)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Little Big Planet Enters Real Life

Anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time soon realizes that I am a gamer.  Beginning with an Atari 2600 for my tenth birthday to my Playstation 3 that currently sits in my office, hours and hours of gaming has gone by.

That said, I just stumbled into Little Big Planet.  I came to this party so late that Little Big Planet 2 is already out. A friend of my son gave a copy of the game to him so that they could play together on-line.  So I reached out grabbed by ten year old self by the roots and pulled him out and played the game too.

Loved it, usually do not like "plat-formers" but this was so unique and so well done that I play it even though I have to stop myself from throwing my controller into a wall every ten minutes or so.

The game got me thinking if anyone had replicated this game in real life.  Its aesthetic of a sock puppet in a diorama world should be able to be reproduced in the real world.  Sadly this was as close as I could find but it's really cool.  My kind of minds.  Enjoy.


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