Last Night had a Blue Moon. The lunar calendar basically is a 28 day calendar. So every 2 and 1/2 years there is 13 full moons in a year rather than the typical 12 full moons. So last night's Blue Moon has nothing to do with color but rather we had an extra full moon. The last one that happened on New Years Eve was Dec 31, 1990.
For 2010 here is a list of full moons, their names and dates.
2009 December 16 - January 14 = Early Winter moon
January 15 - February 13 = Mid Winter moon
February 14 - March 14 = Late Winter moon
March 15 - April 13 = Early Spring moon
April 14 - May 13 = Mid Spring moon
May 14 - June 11 = Late Spring moon
June 12 - July 10 = Early Summer moon
July 11 - August 9 = Mid Summer moon
August 10 - September 7 = Late Summer moon
September 8 - October 6 = Early Fall moon
October 7 - November 5 = Mid Fall moon
November 6 - December 4 = Blue moon
December 5 - 2011 January 3 = Late Fall moon
I thought that was cool.
The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.