The family and I just got back from Canada in the area of Northlake, ON. I went without shaving for about ten days, maybe eleven. Looks like I will never be able to get that handlebar mustache that I always wanted...stupid genes.
It was much needed break with the family with no cellular telephone reception I could not be on call and it still took me three days before I stopped checking my phones. I can't remember the last time that I was able to sit with my wife and kids and take three hours to put a puzzle together or sit in the lake till it came out of my pores.
The thoughts and experiences of a law enforcement officer tackling the meanings of faith, the job, the tools and whatever catches his attention.
Explorations in Policing, Faith and Life (With a hint of humor, product reviews, news and whatever catches my attention)
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, August 1, 2008
Lake Nipissing - Ontario Canada

My wife's grandparents bought a lake house on Lake Nipissing some forty years ago. It became a summer vacation for the grandparent's grand kids (Some 25+) of which my wife was one. She has been trying to talk me into going for a number of years and for the first time this year I was able to go. So we loaded the two kids in the minivan and drove the 12 hours up to the cabin.
There is an outhouse and you bathe in the lake. Your cellular telephone probably will not work (my two did not), the best television channel is blurry, and the radio will only get two stations.
This was not only a vacation away from work and a chance to spend some quality time with the family but a vacation from all the distractions of modern life. We swam, we fished, we jumped off of rocks into the water, played board games, water skied, tubed, canoed and slapped mosquitoes.
We all need rest and a time to refocus on what is really important; the love for our Lord and the love for our family. Police Officers tend to get locked on the job and quickly discard all the other more important tasks of family and faith. A good break/rest/vacation should allow a re-prioritization of life in general. Our family is not there so we can work but rather we work so that we can partake of family.
Genesis 2:2
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Leviticus 23:39
" 'So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the LORD for seven days; the first day is a day of rest, and the eighth day also is a day of rest
Molson XXX

While we were vacationing in Ontario Canada, I went to the "Beer Store" (actual name) and a fell into a scene right out of Strange Brew (they're at the beer store trying to get a free beer because of a mouse in the bottle).
Anyway I discovered my new favorite beer. Molson XXX. It is an extra-strong larger beer 7.3% that I have never found in the US.
It obviously has a kick but it is a unique combination of smooth with a bit of a sweet after taste.
I recommend it.
Proverbs 20:1
Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
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