Today, I attended the wake of the wife of a good friend and co-worker from my department. They are both believers, one has her belief now confirmed and one is having his and his two children's' faith tested.
I saw the usual emotions and actions that go along with a wake/funeral. Consoling, wondering, advice giving, sorrow, loss, regret...but I did see one difference at this funeral verses the many others that I have seen.
The difference was hope.
I saw hope on the face of the grieving husband. I saw hope on the face of the grieving daughter. I saw hope on the face of the grieving son.
Hope found in the faith of the promise made by Jesus that while she may now be dead and lost to them, they will see her again.
Such a simple formula, understanding that we sin and we can never stop sinning, understanding that Jesus is the son of God and perfect, accepting Jesus into your heart and giving up all your sin to him so that it can be wiped clean on the cross and then allow the Holy Spirit to come in. 30 seconds maybe...?
And that allows these three people access to his promises...that death is not the final answer...life is to be found at the end of the road not oblivion.
The loss is still felt, the questions about cancer and fairness will remain unanswered, fear of the future and the new journey alone will all remain. But the small bright light in the far distance in the midst of the darkness is hope.
Luke 23:43
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
2 Timothy 1:10
but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
John 6:47
I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.
Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
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