Explorations in Policing, Faith and Life (With a hint of humor, product reviews, news and whatever catches my attention)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

In the here and now

I rarely am satisfied with anything. I am truly a Yes…but person. One of the biggest tasks that I have been attempting to accomplish is the ability to have Joy in the here and now. I want to be able to sing in prison like Paul or find “The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” ability.

But there is another aspect of this concept that I am currently dealing with and that is appreciating God’s blessings when things are good. I have been in a long long dry spell at work and now it appears that a rare opportunity is arising that was well worth the slight work related suffering that I experienced.

However when I was in the middle of work morass I had to force myself to appreciate all the millions of other, and more important, things that were right. My wife and two children and been an abundant and overflowing blessing that would have been worth an entire career pushing a squad around. But why did I have to force myself to this mindset rather than enjoying the moment?

Have joy during persecution but have joy during the blessings also. Stop yourself from looking for more and/or better and appreciate what you already have been given by God here and now. The things of this earth are fleeting praise God for what you have been given before you look back and realize what you have lost.

Psalm 145:6-8

6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works,
and I will proclaim your great deeds.

7 They will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

8 The LORD is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.

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